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 Resource submission?
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Posted on 09-29-14 6:43 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Mero final ko lagi research project lekhnu parcha. And for now the teacher as asked to Submit two resources with descriptions. WHat is resource submission?
I would really appreciate if any of you could shed some light for me.

Posted on 09-29-14 8:37 PM     [Snapshot: 64]     Reply [Subscribe]
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lol..Instead of asking here why don't you ask your own teacher?
Posted on 09-30-14 3:43 PM     [Snapshot: 173]     Reply [Subscribe]
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what resources did you use to write your research paper?? i mean any book or websites or other research project?? except for Wikipedia :P . write the name of source and summarize what you got from that resource to put into your research.
eg if you get information for your research from a book, mention the name , author and published date and any other related information and summarize what informations did you get from there. "make sure you haven't copied the exact sentence or paragraph from the source".

if you have statics in your research paper, quote the resource within the research paper next to the statics.
hopes this helps.
and again don't indicate wikipedia as your source.

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