This is my letter drafted to be sent out the the GC @ PFA - Please share it with the two people mentioned in the Press Release dated 02/19/2016 - something about the video that they uploaded - Tyo arko thread ma kata cha. Please tell them to not worry and inform them that I will provide my help to them. That was an intimidating strategy that the firm ployed to stop them from seeking justice (anyone can file a case with the court).
I just came across one you for press releases, Subject: False and Misleading Information. I am not associated with the people who made the said video. After conducting my due-diligence, I have come to find out that the insurance agents associated with your company do in fact sell/try to sell Financial Products - with incorrect information.
I find the press release to be an intimidating strategy that the firm is ploying to stop people from seeking justice (but it is your right). I believe that the management (based on how things are presented at your MD office) is well aware and somewhat involved in what the agents do. However, I will not be filing a case against the firm for now. We both know that it will be a tough hill to climb, and the agents being on 1099s does not help it. Instead, the cases will be filed against the agents - who in turn will help in the prosecuting the firm.