Do you need Dashain & Tihar-Kharch, come in Home Ministry?
The Home Ministry is being liberal and distributing thousands of money everyday to all citizens who are seeking financial support for Dashain and Tihar festivals. However, you need a political recommendation or access in the chamber of Home Minister Bam Deva Goutam. You do not have to be stressed to obtain the money, just come in Singh Durbar or in the residence of Minister and submit a small application, afterward in few minute of administrative process you will be easily able to get the cheque or cash accordance with the TOKAADESH.
According to an observation, few thousands of people have already received the money. Therefore, you may have opportunity to come yourself or recommend someone to get financial support, if he or she is looking for it. There is no rules, no limitations, no any special criteria for financial support, just come, influence and get money easily. It is a kind of Bramhlut, so enjoy the opportunity. I hope this will be fruitful for everyone.