This liberal neighbor of mine who is a PETA member has this "cute" gerbil he calls skippy that he is very fond of. My neighborhood is fairly conservative. We love our guns(and bayonets), love hunting when the season is right, hate abortion and hate liberal commies in general. This libbie neighbor of ours loves to taunt us with his "Jesus was a liberal" bumpersticker he has on his car, and the whole community was aching to teach this Jesus-hating libbie traitor a lesson. So the community decides to call him to a "community gathering" as a diversion so I could quickly slip into his house and kidnap his gerbil. So everything goes as planned and I got his gerbil, which I gave to the townhouse chairman.
I saw the guy yesterday. Looked like he was gonna cry a river. LMAOOOOOOOOOO!
God bless president Bush.