From Immortal source of Great Mahabharata/ page 23/ says;
"Anumanta, visasita, nihanta, krayavikrayi, Samskrata ca khadakasceti ghatakah"
is the charactor of thus everyone in the business, the one who abets, the one who kills, the one who sells, the one who prepares, the one who offers, the one who eats; all are killers!!
Since in Hindu perspective to condem of meat-eating has been through and unequivocal be label as killer, hating vegetarianism is a haunted killers!!
Killers by mean of kicking ass,~this next lament killing can kills Sajha too.....
ref: Dr.Micheal W. Fox
Centre of respect for life and environmment
2100 L street, nw wa dc 20037.
by. G.Naganathan in AnimalWelfare&Nature`s book.
Iron rulezzzzzzzz!!