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Pandey Anil
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Posted on 04-25-09 12:20
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सेनामाथिको अपमान राष्ट्रका लागि प्रत्युत्पादक Published by Hamaosamaj on April 23, 2009 Anil Pandey,California सेनामाथिको अपमान राष्ट्रका लागि प्रत्युत्पादक अनिल पाण्डे नेपाली सेनामाथि लगातार अपमान भएको छ र यसलाई भित्रभित्रै चिरा पारिएको छ । प्रष्ट रुपमा बाहिर आएको समाचार के हो भने एक चिराको नेतृत्व प्रधान सेनापति रुक्मांगद कटवालले गरेका छन् भने अर्को खेमाको नेतृत्व रथी कुलबहादुर खड्काको हातमा पुगेको देखिएको छ । नेपाली सेनामा विभाजन ल्याउनु एकीकृत माओवादीको ठूलो सफलता हो । किनभने ऊ आज पनि युद्धमैदानमै छ । फरक यत्ति हो- हिजो उसको हातमा बन्दुक थियो तर आज छैन । यद्यपि सफलता भन्ने होभने उसले हिजोभन्दा आज नै बढी पाइरहेको छ । हिजो नेपाली सेना सशस्त्र प्रहरी र जनपदको समेत नेतृत्व गर्दै एकीकृत ढंगले लडिरहेको थियो भने आज सेना एक्लो मात्र परेको छैन त्यसभित्र पनि चिरा पार्ने सफलता माओवादीले हासिल गरेको छ । तर झट्ट हेर्दा माओवादीले जितेको देखिए पनि राष्ट्रले भने दिनप्रतिदिन हारिरहेको छ । अन्ततः यसले माओवादीस्वयंलाई पनि दीर्घकालिक रुपमा लाभ दिनेछैन । अखबारमा आएको समाचारलाई विश्वास गर्नेहो भने ऐतिहासिक रुपमा सम्पन्न संविधानसभालाई समेत खारेज गर्ने र प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहाललाई समेत नजरबन्दमा राख्ने हदसम्मको तयारी वा षयडन्त्र बुनिएको थियो । यसका लागि कटवाललाई छिमेकी भारतले सघाउने र खड्कालाई माओवादीले मद्दत गर्ने तयारी रचिएको थियो । यदि यस्तो भएको भए मुलुक निश्चयनै अपूर्व भड्खालोमा जाकिने थियो । एकैसाथ सयौंको संख्यामा नेपालीको जीवन समाप्त हुने अवस्था त थियो नै साथमा मुलुकभित्र विदेशी सेनाको प्रवेश प्रष्ट थियो । माओवादीले सत्ता हातमा लिएपछि अर्थात आठ महिनाअघिदेखि नै हरेक पक्षलाई चिढाउने खेल खेलिरहेको छ । सबैलाई चिढाउने तर सफलता हासिल नगर्ने उसको नियती नै भएको छ । पशुपतिनाथका पुजारी सैनिक जर्नेलहरुको अवकास र विभिन्न विधेयकआदि यसका उदाहरण हुन् । पछिल्लो समयमा माओवादीले साचारकर्मीलाई पनि नराम्रोसँग चिढाएको छ । गत चैत २५ गते प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले प्रेस जगतमाथि जसरी टिप्पणी गरे त्यो हेर्दा माओवादी नेतृत्व पत्रकारले विगतमा लगाएको गुन सम्झन चाहँदैन भन्ने प्रमाणित हुन्छ । ुयहाँका ठूला साचारमाध्यमहरु तस्करको हातमा रहेका छन्ु भन्ने आरोप प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालले जसरी खुला रुपमा प्रकट गरे त्यसले एकसाथ रेडियो टेलिभिजन र प्रेसकर्मी सबैको स्वाभिमानमा आघात पुर् याएको छ । एकातिर सरकारले तस्करहरु छन् भनेर स्वीकारेको छभने अर्कोतिर तस्करहरुलाई कारबाही गर्न नसकेको कमजोरी पनि उजागर हुन पुगेको छ । मुलुकमा तस्करहरुको अस्तित्व रहँदा रहँदै पनि सरकार कारबाही चलाउनुको साटो खुला अभिव्यक्ति िदंदै िहंड्छ भने समस्याको समाधान कसले गर्ने के सरकार प्रमुखको काम समस्याको खुलासा गर्ने मात्र हो यदि यसो होभने समाधानका लागि कसलाई बोलाउने त नेपाली प्रेस जगतमा इमान्दारीका साथ सबै लगानीकर्ताले धन खर्च गरेका छन् भनेर ठोकुवा गर्न सकिन्न । विगतमा ुप्रेस जगतमा चोरबाटोबाट लगानी भएको छु भनेर तत्कालीन मन्त्री जयप्रकाश गुप्ताले स्वीकार गरिसकेको यहाँ स्मरणीय छ । प्रेसमा लगानी गर्ने कतिपय साहूहरुका विविध उद्योग तथा व्यापार व्यवसाय पनि समानान्तर रुपमा चलिरहेका छन् । यसरी लगानी गर्ने व्यक्तिहरुले प्रेसको प्रभाव अन्य व्यवसायमा लगाएका छैनन् भन्न सकिन्न । अन्त्यमा सेनालाई चलाउन पुगेको माओवादीले सबैतिरबाट धक्का खाएको छ । सरकारको नेतृत्व गरिरहेको माओवादीले सबैलाई मिलाएर जाने व्यवहार देखाउनुको साटो भूमिगत कालमा जस्तै विद्रोही बनेर राजनीतिक भाषण िदंदै िहंड्नु र अन्य राजनीतिक तथा कूटनीतिक शक्तिलाई समेत बेवास्ता गरेर निर्णयमा पुग्नु असफलता निम्त्याउनु मात्र हो । यद्यपि कटवाललाई अवकास दिन माओवादीले ठूलै ुकाउ_िन्सलिङु नगरेको भने होइन । दुई दिनअघि मात्र सरकारमा आओवादीका तर्फबाट दोस्रो वरियतामा रहेका डा। बाबुराम भट्टराईले एमालेका दोस्रो प्रभावशाली नेता खड्ग ओली र प्रधानमन्त्री तथा अध्यक्ष प्रचण्डले एमालेका वरिष्ठ नेता माधवकुमार नेपाललाई समेत उनीहरुकै घर-घरमा पुगेर रुक्मांगद कटवाललाई अवकास दिने तयारी गरेका थिए । विगत केही सातायता कारवाहीका लागि उच्च काउ_िन्सलिङ भएको थियो । तर अन्तरिम विधायिका संसद्मा रहेका २५ मध्ये नेपाली कांग्रेससहित १७ दल राष्ट्रपति डा। रामवरण यादवकहाँ गएर सेना नचलाउन दबाब दिएपछि माओवादी पछि हट्न वाध्य भएको हो । यस परिणामले माओवादीलाई जुन हीनताबोध गराएको छ त्यो अवश्य कतै पोखिनेछ । अन्ततोगत्वा पीडित हुने मुलुक नै हो ।
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Posted on 04-26-09 12:22
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purush just to mention you in democracy whatever verdict supreme court gives is the supreme ideology ....u understand what i mean ...if not since you are in US tell me who makes the verdict what is right or what is wrong ...in our country's aspect .....Prachande or Chief Justice ....i know chief justice in Nepal is elected by Prime minister but BUt But by the recommendation of constitutional council....so is Prachande legislative, Executive and judiciary Himself? Nepal army opened doors for people joining it but soon the supreme court ordered halt the process it did... supreme court ordered the prachanda to reinstate the generals and what he did sent jobless students to the streets and mr purush i think you don't know the current situation of our country ...there is two groups of armies in our country Nepalese Army which is sovereign and independent and Peoples liberation army which carries the flag of Maoist ......no country had been in this situation and no General has been in this situation as Katawal ....ok lets join All PLA in Nepalese army ....what if they went against the genearls ...what if they carried their flag and started authoritarian rule carrying Maoist Flag discarding all the parties NC,UML,RPP, whatever matter of fact after 1 year why is their still PLA ? what is the role of PLA ,,,.....what is the contribution they gave by sacrificing their lives so far? ...absolute disgusting...and don't worry Katawal has no intension to Capture the power ..... he is more Patriot then Prachande and these fagottts netas ....i salute his boldness and his courage and his simplicity ...i have never seen generals like him before ....if the word so called PLA still cease to exist then i can give a guranteee that nepal is next somalia
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Posted on 04-26-09 12:26
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nixactly tero dhoti ko chamchha so called Defense menester bujhdainas bhane rakshya mantri le mathi bata na bhani kana nepal army le kahi garna paudaina bujhis arko kura you are a fagottt tooo know nothing ....adhi ta sena le kahi gareko herna cahansas bhane Nepal army lai support gar ....tell them they should go and fight those indians across the border without asking that fag Badal and of course your Nepal will not be encroached ....manda buddhi
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Posted on 04-26-09 12:33
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whatever giriza is doing is absolutely right i know he made a mistake by joining hands with maoist coz he thought they will change and finally erect the peoples democracy ...but where are those agreements that they made while joining hands they betrayed to all the parties ....why they areholding properties of innocent villagers ,why they are not allowing the children to get out of pla ...why there are maoist in legislative, executive ....why they treat supreme court like their pewa and why defense minister is reluctant to remore generals from Nepal army?
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Posted on 04-26-09 3:47
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First of all, it is a nice topic and thank you Anil for the tread. Purush , you have written very well but I dont go with your conclusion like Raju. I completely agree with that Indian Born GP Koirala's Party Nepali congress is working more as Indian envoy to Nepal than actual Nepali democratic party. Its been proved already. UML hahah party with no principles, they are like a Pro. Prosti.., Now talking about Nepal army and its chief and release him from the post. What happens if he thrown out from his duties, 1. .. one of the maoist affilliated General crowns the post 2. PLA joins NA. 3.PLA Commander kicks .. the General out 4. Prachanda will be the king and there will be no public there will be communisium. I am against changing COAS blaming him dishonesty. I am agaisnt the ruling about chancing ARMY GENERAL becasue he does not want NA to be a political party. Gen. Katuwal just does not like PLA into NA. Did he said wrong????? no and no definetly no because NA is not a politcal furum to play political game and NA is not a right place to hire political fighters. Maoist gov wants PLA into army today and YCL into police force tomorrow. Gen Kutuwal, Please dont let happen all those crime against Nepalese citizens. Lets say Gen Katuwal oks Prachanda. Neverknows, a new party might put the same proposal or pressure to Maoist General tomorrow. Would it be acceptable to Prachanda and his company???????
Pandey Anil
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Posted on 04-26-09 11:13
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Dear Thukka ji, Namaskar. I truly appreciate you for answering and commenting on everyone's question which i was suppose to be doing but you did it for me and it was wonderful. By the way, i am not criticizing or anythinh but i must tell you that i dont think thukka is a sutable name for someone with sucha talent and insight like you. I'm saying this because genuienly speaking, you had the best response for everyone without saying a lot or less. Short and sweet and you have gotten the message going around. So that is why i think instead of thukka it should be thikka. But anyways, everybody have their own opiiniona dn are right in their own ways. All im trying to say is that we shjould not be mixing politics in army because army and politics are two different things. So lets leave that there. So my point is, we should serve our country first then our political leaders. Lets ignore all the other craps and be united and stand as a group holding only one flag which will be out two triangular nepali flag. Thank you everyone for you time and your point of views. I really appreciate everybody, specially Thukka ji.
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Posted on 04-27-09 12:27
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According to everything that's going on right now, I guess that Katawal will be made to resign from his position. The Maoists might seduce Nepali Congress with the Defense Ministry, if it comes to that, and then there will be no "problems" as our chief political parties see it. http://www.nepalnews.com/archive/2009/apr/apr27/news03.php