This one is radio ad of jeevan jal:
Lady: Pakhalale susta paryo mero chhoralai
ke khwaun k lau mero baba lai!!
Man: Dhanda mannu pardaina hai
jeevan jaal chandaichha!!!
Pakhala le grashta bhayena 1 liter panima 1 packet jeevan jal milai bachhaharulai patak patak khwaunuhoos!!
The ad written by sunkoshi was most controversial ad of in nepalese television which was based on the concept to give awareness of use of sexual contraceptive to all people but was eventually banned.
This one of Castrol engine oil mostly played on Hits FM:
Guruji: Ye antare, engine oil halyo??
Antare: Halyo gurji!
Guruji: Castrol nai haleko ho??
Antare: Hetteri guruji tyo ni bhanirakhnu parchha!! Start garnus ta guruji!!
*Guruji starts the truck: and it roars with smooth sound!!*
Antare: La dekhnu bho ta guruji, aaba hamro matar hawaijahaj jaso gudchha!!
This one is of Himal Iron and steel.
Budha manchhe: Ye babu doorbinle herera ke khojirakheko??
Babu: Hyaa dandi pasal nabheteko bela disturb nagarnu na ho!!
Budha manchhe: Himal torsteel ko dealer haaru *** sahaarma *** ( I don't rem nos) wota chhan; doorbin le khojirakhnu pardaina ni baabu!!
Babu: Ye ho ra, ma aajai himal torsteel lyaunchhu teso bhaye!!
Quite good voice announces--
*Majboot ghar ko majboot adhaar - Himal torsteel!!*
P.S.- I don't know if above ads are completely as depicited by me, but they were somewhat like that...:D