Some interesting posts i found
Nepali 4/3/2010 11:52:32 PM EST
We are all aware that Rato Bangala is doing the most dishonest academic plagiarism by a) issuing fake transcripts (meaning they "correct" grades of students) and inflate grades b) RBS students can buy essays fro certain price c) they write their own recco letters.
And it has paid off. Look at their college acceptance and look at ours. Its insane and wrong.
The Dixit family is running this scam for so long. We need to destroy it. Let us write an appeal letter to ALL the TOP schools in US asking them to 'blacklist' RBS.
What do you guys think?
ramshyam 4/4/2010 5:40:03 PM EST
I have heard this for many years now, and I think you have to be very careful about how you go about doing this. From what I have heard, RBS never actually releases the mid-term grades to the students themselves but sends it directly to the colleges; the students apparently never get to see their transcript that is sent on their behalf. I have also heard that the counselors there meticulously create a college list so that different students do not "clash" in their applications, meaning that it is unlikely for colleges to figure out the discrepancies. If this is true, and I have been told this by many people including "good" RBS students, what confuses me is whether these students actually do well in their final exams and perform as expected in the States. I have no idea about this.
I think this might be something that SEBS elders should look into. Even if it is true, if a bunch of recent BNKS students make these accusations against arguably out biggest rivals, it might have consequences for them.