I do not know how many Nepali people go to India in search of job and how many people from India come to Nepal in search of job.
But what sometime confuses me is; can Nepal afford to lose jobs to Indian people. Our country is so small and is suffering on its own. What it means for every nepali when a foreigner comes to our country and starts a business or works and sends money to their country making their country stronger and leaving Nepali economy to struggle forever. Do we have shortage of Labor in Nepal? I do not think so. I just think sometime, India is so big and they are doing well in there economy too, why we want them to come in and work.
I have seen them commonly in construction jobs, electrician jobs, and plumbing jobs and not to mention all the shops in new road kingsway and all. My point is why we do not give preference to Nepali contractor or plumbers or local people while considering a new project of our hose improvement or when we go for shopping. In USA we always see employer giving preference to locals or US Citizen. People lets think about it.