Are you Royalist oir Republic? Do you favor Gynendra or Prachanda as the next head of state after Girija? UML seems dead,and Congress is doubtful after the Girija-era and there seems no other person than Prachanda.
I favor republic Nepal, but if I have to choose between Gynendra or Prachanda, I would go for Gynendra, coz I think the country with be safe in the hands of Gynendra than Prachanda. Prachanda will sell Nepal to India in course of his crazy experiments.
Country comes first. Democracy may come and go, but the country once one is gone for ever. I think Even though I dont like the King and Monerchy, I would rather go for the King rather than Prachanda until I find a better person to be the head of the country.
I a not a royalist, but if Gynendra will be better than Prachanda. At least the country will be safe. ( I used to be a fan of Prachanda, but after his speech in India, I am sim ply pissed off for ever.)