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 Forum for Business Analyst

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Posted on 02-27-07 12:27 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am creating this thread here for second time.First time there was very little interest to share knowledge.
This thread is entirely for new and experienced Business Analyst,Business System Analyst and System analyst for adding point to their learning as well as experience curve.

Welcome all BA/BSA and SA to this forum:

Let's start with something easier:

There are three levels of requirements.

a. Business Requirements - High level objectives of the project which are recorded in the Vision and Scope Document

b. User Requirements - Task and facilities available to the end user recorded in the Use Cases.

c. Functional Requirements - Detailed listing out of each behavior that the software must exhibit. This along with the quality attributes and other non-functional requirements is documented in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS).

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Posted on 02-28-07 6:52 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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That works I will readily accept if I get direct company job.I just want to avoid consultancy but I think its a bit difficult.

Have you guys work on web services WSDL,SOAP?
Posted on 02-28-07 6:54 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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How did you get job hi_nanu directly or through consultant
I have still couple of months to graduate so I can still wait
If something on ur team knows also let me know.
Posted on 02-28-07 11:34 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Umm let’s see... FDD known as functional design documents are "usually" and that is in our case prepared by the BA's. I work with Siebel and some SAP but not a whole lot, but they are both an every efficient ERP and CRM systems. Functional design documents do what they sound like, they take the businesses requirement and describes it as what they are suppose to do once placed in an application. A simple example could be if x consumer buys y product then he/she will be interested in b,c and d products also. Something like what amazon.com does at a very basic level; provide you with info on what other consumer who bought the same products you bought were interested in. Going into TDD's it specifies what needs to happen behind the application when x consumer buys y product and what needs to be triggered for the application to go and search for all the x consumers who bought product y and what else were these consumers interested in so the application can display the results saying "people who bought this also bought that". This is as far as I understand how FDD's and TDD's work at a very basic level, but every special industry has it's own requirements and this might differ. But coming back to an ERP or CRM systems, the so called "Drunken Sailor" days are over, which was when and IT Solutions firm could go up to a company and tell them what they needed, now it's as far as I can see vice-versa, it's the company that tells you ok this is what we want done and this is our budget. This is my experience.
Posted on 03-01-07 9:05 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks ocenus for your explanation with example.Yes,FDD and TDD together mirror what developer is going to do.

latoboy and Gohtalo,the company below normally have a lots of permanent openings and they will also sponsor H1b for few places but prefer green card for placement in city areas like Boston,NY,Chicago.You may want to try your luck.

Posted on 03-01-07 11:20 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thanks send more if you find
Posted on 03-01-07 11:46 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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It was cool site I applied for dozen of them let me see the responses.
Thanks hi_nanu once again
Posted on 03-01-07 12:00 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Hi everyone,
i am trying to get in this field too. gave a few interviews but so far, no success.
Can anyone help me with a few questions? to start out, how would you differentiate between business needs(requirements) and user requirements?
Posted on 03-01-07 1:01 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Is it possible to do one of these trainings as part of your internship (CPT) through your school ? Is there any problems otherwise?
Posted on 03-01-07 1:26 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Here is a very basic sample tech design for people trying to grasp some knowledge, hope it helps.

Posted on 03-01-07 2:58 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gohtalo ,Please make sure that you have prepared good resume before applying.(I apologize,I did not write it before) and record where you have already applied.
ocenus : thanks for template.
live_wire : Business requirements and User requirements will be same if we are talking about any new product launch in existing system and Business Users/System users are using it.Business Requirement and user requirement will be slightly different if it is web based application and we are considering end users who are not a business users or system users.In second case, we will refine Business requirement writing use cases targetting end users along with Business users and will be validated by end user as well as Business Users.
- I think I could not explain well.Please somebody more experienced come and make it more clear.

Posted on 03-01-07 3:17 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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business needs(requirements) and user requirements?

Users are part of the business right? You don't create BRD or FRD for 1 single user. Most of the time, user requirements within a particular group evolve into business req. Users of a particular internal group within a bigger IT umbrella might have business req to do something.
Posted on 03-01-07 6:20 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thx a lot to the person who started this thread. I am glad that we all nepalses BA/BSAs are sharing our experience. Its also a nice way to get informed about the new things in our field.

I have also been working as a BSA for about a year now. I am trying to get some certifications. To start with I am planning to get RUP certification. I have been searching around but could not find something that could help me with the certification in a short period of time. HAS ANYONE TAKEN RUP CERTIFICATION SO FAR? IF SO, IT WOULD REALLY HELP ME IF YOU COULD PROVIDE ME SOME INFO ON HOW YOU PREPARED FOR THE TEST AND WHAT SOURCES/BOOKS/SITES YOU REFERRED TO? please let me know if anyone has gotten RUP certification. Thanks to all and good luck with all of your careers.
Posted on 03-01-07 7:22 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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check this list of websites, great!! websites for businesses

Posted on 03-02-07 1:06 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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hi_nanu thanks 4 the suggestion
I have prepared one can you give me ur email address so that you can check it so that I need to modify it to get job.
Posted on 03-02-07 8:17 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Gohtalo , I am not good at preparing resume.Still,if you want me to have second eye in your resume,forward it to bsaforum@yahoo.com

Posted on 03-02-07 11:55 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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mabhanya ,Welcome to BSA forum.There are lots of forums talking about RUP certification if you google up. I have not done this certification though.If you find comfortable and good help for career,Please let us know.

Anybody who has already done RUP certification?
Posted on 03-03-07 7:35 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Thx Nanu.
I have gone through some sites already and i believe that I do have a pretty good understanding. Tara I was just trying to see if there were any training programs or books that were designed to help get IBM RUP certification. There is so much that we can learn about RUP. the more i read about RUP the more i find that there is much more for me to learn. K tesaile I was trying to find a easier way. Ani this certification exam is pretty expensive too ..so dont want to take a risk of nto passing it the first time....ani if you have taken any certification besides PMP please lets share the info..any idea about six sigma and SOX certifications and preparations? please let me knwo if you have any idea about it...
Posted on 03-03-07 7:40 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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All Nepali BA/BSAs,

do you think it would be a better idea to creat a yahoo group? so that we dont have to go through many pages before we come to this thread in sajha (because from what i understand, as the original date of posting this thread gets older, we will have to go through so many pages to come to this thread...not sure how exactly sajha works though...havent been using sajha for too long)...

let me know what you all think...if you all agree and want to share your experiences, then i believe we can create a yahoo group. I am sure we all are working in different projects, so sharig info would definitely help. and for those who are contractors this could be a good help on finding the next project...as we could learn from others who have worked on similar projects...

let me know your thoughts. I can start working on creating our group if you all want.

enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Posted on 03-03-07 9:33 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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The Unified Software Development Process by Ivar Jacobson, Grady Booch and James Rumbaugh is good for RUP methodology.
Posted on 04-12-07 1:31 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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I am sure of graduation this May now and I want to join BA field.So please suggest me how should I proceed.I want some consultant who will file my H1b too.

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